Bio-identical HRT
There Non-Prescription Like ProgonB, Phyto-B and OstaDerm .
There some guideline for using these hormones.
- Contact your Doctor to use appropriate testing and monitors you.
- Balancing body’s glands and system should be output of this therapy
- Too much hormones will causes many problems over time.
- This not an over counter supplement or online buy, Bio-Identical hormones are power chemical that needs to be monitored by Blood/Saliva test to be evaluate the range.
- Usually using HRT, many females feel improvement at first, and may not last , needs to be monitored and controlled
- Females who has done Hysterectomy maybe require to be on HRT.
- Hormone creams and gel: Store in fat cells after several months of use progressively overdose.
- The least proclaims is sublingual
Problems May occur with Creams and Gel
. They absorbed in subcutaneous fat tissues and build up and saturated in the tissue, so you may know you have been overdose, so routine blood test that is testing Free(non-protein bound) hormones need to be tested. Saliva test is free none bounded is more accurate.
When the hormones levels elevated then physiologic doses receptor site down-regulated the cell block the entry of the hormone and overtime deficiency of the hormone arise so they may give you more hormones (HRT) so this imbalance may effect Brain-HP Axis dysregulation causes central control switch off for these hormones.(liver cannot clear the excessive levels).
Some of this writing may be foreign to public simply said all HRT are not safe, and must be monitored by your practitioner regularly’
Call us to evaluate you. 713-529-4808. Comprehensive history and testing