Diagnostic Testing

Wholesome Nutrition Center uses Different laboratories with effective tools for complex clients.

These laboratories uses advanced diagnostic tools  that identifies functional deficiencies (Not pathology) of vitamins, nutrients which are essential for the body. These tools help the doctor to pinpoint the problem in order to help complex illness or diseases.

We are using DiagnosTech for Saliva Testing  www.diagnostechs.com

DiagnosTech establish in 1987 and is salivary-based testing and research laboratory. In 1989 was firs Lab to introduce Saliva Hormone testing.

Saliva testing is used in our center for Hormonal issues on individual bases these are some Hormonal Panel we are using in out Wholesome Nutrition Center

Adrenal Stress Index: Cortisol X4: DHEA & DHEA-s: Insulin x2(fasting,Non-fasting): 17-OH Progesterone, Gluten, (gliadin) antibody, sIgA; Total salivary sIgA.

For example the Adrenal stress Index test  measures cortisol in 4 times throughout the day 6-8am, 11-1pm, 4-5pm, 10-midnight. Why our doctor order this special test? Here are common symptoms related to adrenal Functions; Weight gain, Sleep disturbance increased blood lipid, depression, hypertension, menstrual dysfunction, importance , sugar or salt craving and more please go to adrenal evaluation  Questionnaire in order to be evaluated by our Doctor.

Each panel includes or excludes some Hormones according to their panel requirement.

Post Menopause Panel, Per Menopausal, Expanded Peri Menopause.

Cycling Female Panel, Expanded Cycling panel.  Testosterone Female panel & Male.

Male Hormone panel & Expanded Panel.

Carbohydrate Challenge Test, DEHE Challenge Test,

Bone Health Panel, and Food panel allergy or sensitivity.

 Genova Diagnostic Laboratory

Uses Comprehensive Evaluation of Nutrition Testing and Gastrointestinal profiles.

Wholesome Nutrition Center uses different Laboratories for different purpose on their results and overviews Here are some panel that our Center use with this laboratory;

 Nutritional Evaluation (NutrEval);  in 5 key areas 1. Antioxidant, 2-B-Vitamins, 3- Minerals, 4- Essential Fatty Acids, 5- Digestive Support. Common clinical presentation for this testing are; Mood disorder, Fibromyalgia, Fatigue, Optimized Health & Sport Fitness.

  • Gastrointestinal Profiles: Comprehensive profile
  • Immunology Profiles
  • Cardiovascular Profiles
  • Endocrinology profiles; comprehensive Thyroid assessment, Melatonin, bone resorption.
  • Genomic profiles
  • Environmental profiles.

In our Center we have limited In office appointment howver we  consult by phone or skyp all over the USA, and abroad.