ENDOMETRIOSIS: Define as the growth of endometrial tissue outside of the uterus, causes is some menstrual blood backs up through the fallopian tubes and into the pelvic area/ also estrogen dominant causes excessive growth of uterine tissue.

Sign and symptoms: may be asymptomatic, however reports are : Menstrual pain and crams/PMS, pain at ovulation, pelvic pain. Low back pain, leg pain, painful intercourse(Dyspareunia). Heavy bleeding, clotting. Irregular periods, Constipation, painful bowel movements, rectal bleeding(especial with menstruation). Abdominal pain, bloating, vomiting, urinary frequency, pain during urination. Inflammation. adhesion, scarring. Anemia from heavy bleeding. and lastly Endometrial cyst (also called “chocolate cysts” they are brown cyst contain old blood they may size up to a grapefruit size.

Estrogen dominance and worsen when progress, SO WHAT IT NEEDS TO BE DONE?

Preserve your Ovaries and uterus ( No Hysterotomy). Support immune system, and liver, use natural Progesterone, Avoid Xenohormone exposure(plastic container) . We have comprehensive protocol including herbs and whole food supplement to overcome this 3-6 months. Call us for a consult.