Digestive Evaluation DIGESTIVE EVALUATION (SOME OF THE FOLLOWING LIST IS FROM THE BOOK ADRENAL FATIQUE BY JAMES WILSON) Rate the following from 0-5, with 0 being no problem & 5 being a severe problem. Name *FirstLastGender *GenderMaleFemaleAge *Phone *Email *HISTORYHave you had your zinc level checked in the last 6 monthsNoYesHow many glasses of water do you drink per day (please indicate #)How many servings of fruits do you EAT each day (please indicate #)Do you eat SUSHI?NoYesDo you consume any dairy productsNoYesHave you taken antibiotics in the last 6 months or for an extended period of time during the last 10 years NoYesHave you had any type of food allergy/ sensitivity testing performed? NoYesHave you been diagnosed with any of the following?Do you take OCT Antacids?NoYesDo you take OCT Laxatives / FiberNoYesUlcers-Gastric DuodenalNoYesGERD/RefluxNoYesPancreatitisNoYesIBS/IBD/ColitisNoYesOther Digestive Aids Used (Please List):Prescription Medicines for Digestion (Please List):UPPER GI - BURNING, GERD, IndigestionMy stomach burns / hurts even when empty (No hunger pangs))NoYesEating or drinking relieves aboveNoYesEating or drinking make it worseNoYesMy stomach starts burning or I get bloated 30 min to sevral hours after I eat or drinkNoYesCertain foods seems to make this worse (please list)NoYesWhat Relives this? (Please List)I have been diagnosed with "Reflux" or "GERD"NoYesIf so, it is worse lying down OR lying down all the timeLower GI - Gas, Bloating, Cramping, Constipation, DiarrheaI have atleast 1 normal bowel movement each day.Normal is a large med brown well formed stool w/o cramping strain or painNoYesMy stools are often:Small and round or hardNoYesThin - Pencil likeNoYesPasty or fattyNoYesLooseNoYesI often get really gassy and:Its not nice but not really offensiveNoYesVery Offensive & EmbaracingNoYesDo any foods aggravate? Please listI often have to strain to have a bowel movementNoYesI often have cramping and pain with a Bowel movementNoYesI often have abdominal cramping and pain even without a bowel movement.NoYesI notice undigested food in my stool—especially vegetable matter.YesNoNutritional Exam points and historyZincStrongMedMildNoneHCL pointStrongMedMildOKEnzymeStrongMedMildOKGallbladderStrongMedMildOKLiverStrongMedMildOKPlease list the following as it applies:Prescription medicines for digestion:Foods that make GERD, heartburn worse:What relieves heartburn or GERD:NameSubmit